Jamaican Dancehall Star Tommy Lee Sparta In Lock Up In St James

Tommy-Lee-Sparta-in-lock-up-in-St-James July 2020

Jamaican dancehall star Tommy Lee Sparta, real name Leroy Russell, spent last night in the Freeport Police Station lock-up in Montego Bay, St James.

His attorney, Ernest Smith said the Jamaican deejay was detained under the current state of public emergency (SOE) in Flanker.

His lawyer confirmed that e has been detained, taken into custody for the purpose of interviews with C-TOC [Counter Terrorism and Organised Crime Investigation Branch] and other agencies.

There are actually no charge against him; they just want to question him. He has not been told anything of any offense he has committed.

He has not been told that he is inciting anything. He has just been told that he has influence over a gang by the name of Sparta Gang.

“My client is not part of any Sparta Gang or any gang for that matter,” said his lawyer, adding that Sparta “ broke down in tears because he was very emotional that he has left Montego Bay for good and his name is being called.

He has been concentrating on his career and what has bothered him the most, now that his career has started to lift again, he said ‘malicious persons want to drag him down’.

It really broke his heart…I am confident, based on the instructions that he has given me, that he’s not involved in any form of wrongdoing; he’s not directing any operations of any Sparta or any other gang. Let us see what comes out of these interviews,” he said.


Under the SOE, persons can be held for 90 days without being charged. Smith said he met with senior police officers and army men in MoBay, who have scheduled a question-and-answer session with the Jamaican recording artist.

There must be a persecution against Sparta since this is the third time in four years that he has been nominated a person of interest, in 2016 and 2017 in relations to some shooting in the Flanker community. 

During the month of March this year, the deejay’s six-year-old daughter was shot during an altercation among three men in Flanker. A nine-year-old boy, Sparta’ own nephew,  was fatally shot and killed in the incident. Stay tuned for more developments. Watch below Sparta’s latest music videos. 

#freesparta, #freetommylee

Tommy Lee Sparta ‘Rich Badness’ Official Music Video 2020

Tommy Lee Sparta ‘Shallow Grave’ Official Music Video Wise Choice Records 2020

real deal


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