‘Man Free’ A Documentary About Jamaica Directed by Kinsey Beck

Man Free A Movie about JamaicaMan Free to launch soon on I-TunesMan Free A Documentary bout JamaicaMan free a Kinsey Beck's Movie

I briefly wrote about this movie Man Free a couple of Sundays ago. Writing again about it because I had a chance to see the whole movie and I really liked it.

Also, there ‘s growing interest about and around this movie/documentary, that  tells the stories of everyday people in Jamaica and will soon launch on I-Tunes.

It’s a movie about Jamaica and for the people and so the protagonists are telling their own story with their own words themself. Among them a taxi driver called Master Blaster, a Rastaman,  a young woman who runs her own bakery and the soulful one string singer Brushy, who was also  in the documentary  ‘RiseUp’.

This is a movie filled with music ,poetry and amazing photography! Young and old come together to battle politics, crime, violence and drugs.

‘Man Free’ is narrated by the late film director, legendary Perry Henzell, already </bresponsible for ‘The Harder They Come’ and ‘No Place Like Home’.

Man Free also includes the last documentary footage of him before he passed, and  it is directed by Kinsey Beck.I’ve to give big thanx to the producer, David Garonzik, for promptly sending me both movies Man Free and No Place Like Home and making me feel part of this movement.

David Garonzik is also producer of Perry Henzell’s ‘No Place Like Home’ movie [edited by Alexis Chavez], who was Perry Henzell’s sole editor on ‘No Place Like Home’ and became Oliver Stone’s editor,so believe me when I say this is a very nice documentary…

I’m adding and sharing more clips and the movie is supposed to launch and be on sale shortly on iTunes, so if you’re a fan of Perry Henzell and movies about Jamaica you shouldn’t miss out Man Free.

Shown at the Reggae Film Festival 2010, was nominated for Best Documentary.

This is a movie that captures the beauty of Jamaica, is a tribute to a land of free people and their struggles and catches the spirit of this amazing Island in a way it can bring tears to your eyes.

More on when and where catch Man Free in events or theatres soon. Check out these extra clips while waiting for the Official I-Tunes launch! Bless!

Get it on Apple TV

Please Visit MAN FREE OFFICIAL SITE & Support the movie liking it in Facebook 

MAN FREE Movie Brushy One String Jamaica Reggae – Spin #1

MAN FREE Movie – Brushy One String – Money Man – Live

real deal


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