Watch Martei Korley “Climate War” Official Visualizer KasaAmaraMusic 2022

watch Martei Korley Climate War Official Visualizer reggae music 2022Reggae music comes once again in support of our planet. It is under everybody eyes no matter where, global warming and climate changes are bringing dramatic changes across the whole Earth, affecting and disrupting millions lives world wide.

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and gas) which produces heat-trapping gases. The effects are here to stay.

In the effects menu are included: hotter temperatures, more severe storms, more draughts, from floods, earthquakes, volcanos eruptions, water temperature rising, and worst.

Not to mention the horrible war that has been going on for more than 6 months now, with high losses in human lives, animals, with the grains and the whole environment being affected by not stop bombing and petrol burning as well, that sure are not helping the quickly declining state of the health of our planet.

While we can pretend to keep ignoring these issues soon or later we will have to face them and it’s better to address them now.

In this scenario Martei Korley’s “Climate War” is a call-to-action for the preservation of planet earth. Environmental degradation leads to conflict over our natural resources: Climate War (We nuh waan).

If we will keep impacting negatively this planet just for mere reasons of profits the future generations will have to deal with a lot of problems so we need to respect our planet on a different level, starting practicing now different lifestyles, low impact lifestyles, in order to protect and preserve our beautiful planet Earth, also not contributing in any way to her destruction, just living more simply and naturally and opposing all wars, bombs, conflicts, plastic and pollution.

Imagine investing 80 billion dollars to help repairing and healing our planet while we still can instead than financing another never ending conflict somewhere in the world, because if we are all One and everything is connected, these bombs exploding somewhere far far away from where we are currently living, will still affect the air and the water and the soil nearby us, because this planet is One too.

Reggae music often use the power of words and rhythms to deliver messages with social commentary, this one is a very special tune and very true, so play it loud and pass it on to your friends as well, so that many more can get a wake up call and became more involved in protecting the natural resources.

Use the power of Reggae Music to make your friends more sensible to what’s ahead, support good music with a great social message!

Climate War is already available in all major music digital outlets grab your copy clicking on the Apple Music banner posted on this page.

Watch Martei Korley “Climate War” Official Visualizer

Martei Korley – Climate War Label: KasaAmaraMusic
Release Date: August 19th, 2022
Produced & Mixed: Yo Akim
Mastered by: Delroy “Phatta” Pottinger

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