Watch “Sons Of Kingston” A Jamaican Short Film

sons of Kingston jamaican short movie part 1

Watch the first episode of “Sons of Kingston”, a mini web series written by Jermaine Miami Johnson.

“Sons of Kingston” is a gangster drama inspired by the streets of Kingston, Jamaica and New York City.

Sons Of Kingston develops on episodes that you can watch online for free, following the series on youtube, where it debuted shortly ago, going quickly viral.

The new urban drama portraits the street of Kingston Jamaica and the risky life chosen by the protagonists.

“Sons Of Kingston” is a cool web-series, inspired by the classic gangsta movies and revisited in a modern day mindset on the streets of Jamaica’s capital city and New York City.

“A quick hustle turns into a hustle to stay alive”.

Check out the movie site for more info:

WATCH “SONS OF KINGSTON” Pt.1 -8 (Jamaican Movie 2015)

SONS OF KINGSTON Director: Jermaine MiaMi Johnson @lOOkatMiaMi


SONS OF KINGSTON Executive Producer:

Follow Sons of Kingston on Instagram for updates with the production cast and crew @SonsOfKingston

real deal

