Clifton Twang Brown “Nobody Canna Cross It” Viral Remix

Clifton Twang Brown

Clifton Twang Brown is just getting bigger and bigger and the Nobody Can Cross It is one of the biggest trend of the year and this 2011 summer!

I came across so much about him, St Thomas pan and all the moves and dances inspired by it.

Anyways if you don’t know about Clifton Brown, here the story. The St Thomas pan flooded in Jamaica and when TV cameras of Jamaican National TV went to film and report on the event that was affecting the lives of the residents of the area.

The reporters interviewed the people at the pan and among them there was Clifton Brown, that was explaining to the reporters what was going on, that the river was dangerous and hard to cross, While doing so he gave a rapping interview. He was talking, but he was naturally talking so fast and with a swag in his words, that he did not go unnoticed while he kept saying “nobody can’t cross it, only who that understand” “Di Bus can swim” and other things.

Anyways you already know how Jamaicans are : always trying to laugh even when there’s a little tragedy, so first of all Clifton Brown’s interview became VIRAL TO THE THE WORLD and a sensation,  as soon as it got uploaded over the internet, raking up millions of views and second DJ POWA remixed Clifton Brown in the “Nobody Canna Cross It” Twanging refix video and Clifton Brown literally exploded in popularity, becoming a celebrity overnight and getting a record deal. Only in Jamaica.

Watch both the original interview that sparked the viral remix and listen to the hilarious DJ Powa refix remix posted after. If you can stop laughing.


Clifton Brown Still ‘Canna Cross It’ Original Interview

“Nobody Canna Cross It” Twanging (Refix Video) – DJ Powa

Now check out the Clifton Brown cartoon!Featuring Corey Todd as an angel donating a bridge...LoL press Play if You Can Cross It!

Clifton Twang decided to cross and became an artist he has an agent and lawyer and he signed a contract for 2 years with Lime and he wants to start his Cross It Clothing Line.

real deal



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