Collie Buddz Tour “Playback 2011” is about to begin on March 18th 2011.
The singer is blessing Florida like no other State! So ya all better come out because his new album is really hot! You can download his EP Playback at his site.
This one of a kind artist has several hot joints out and one of all the massive favorite ever is ‘Come Around’!
Before sharing the upcoming tour dates let me tell you about another Colie Buddz single that is making the rounds, “Moving On” that has been featured in an upcoming movie titled “Chance”, a sun-soaked drama that doubles as an exposé on the seedy underbelly of organized crime and human trafficking in the US Virgin Islands.
The film will be screened at next year’s Sundance Film Festival and is due out this summer!
And that’s not the only track used for a movie, look also out for his new track in 50 Cent’s latest movie ‘Things Fall Apart’.
Things are really looking up for Collie Buddz with his music being played at all the dances!
Check out the full tour dates on the flyer don’t miss on Collie Buddz live show if you are a reggae lover and he happens to play in your town. Check the full dates posted on Collie Buddz official flyer on top of this post!
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Very nice post, i certainly love this website, keep on it.
Hey, I was wondering if you knew the name of the song of his that was featured in the movie “All Things Fall Apart?” I’ve been searching and searching and still haven’t found it. Also…love the site! You’ve done a wonderful job so far and i’m sure you’ll only continue to strive. 🙂