Miami Playing For Change Sept 22 By Rockaz MVMT & Local Partners

miami playing for change sat sept 22 live reggae music

What if you had one day to change the world with music? On 22 September 2012, musicians and fans will come together on Playing For Change Day with a shared intention of doing something positive for the World and supporting music education for kids everywhere.

The PFC Foundation’s 1st PFC Day in September 2011 inspired 225 events happening in 41 countries. And we were just getting started – PFC Day 2012 is sure to be an even bigger gathering of fans and musicians, rhythms and voices around the world! Please mark your calendars and join the movement to spread peace, love, and MUSIC! 
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Playing for Change day is September 22, 2012. For many it will be another Saturday in Miami. A day to go to the park, the cleaners, the grocery, the movies, or even church.Rockaz MVMT will be Playing for Change in Miami on Saturday September 22 with local and global partners to make the Playing for Change Foundation signature awareness event a success .

This is a global day of action to bring music into the lives of children and promote positive social change everywhere. Rockaz MVMT took time to partner with such a vital global movement after seeing the documentary on PBS when it launched some time ago. Rockaz MVMT Founder Alfonso Brooks says: “Rockaz MVMT is organic in its ideals and execution. Trust and trace ability. PFC Day resonated with me so much because it’s what we do daily. Our approach coincides with the message of having a better and healthier planet and Music and the Arts is our platform. It’s a labor of love, passion and commitment, it warms my heart to unite for a single idea of playing for change. Just knowing we are being the change we want to see in the world.” Knowing Mr. Brooks’ passion for music, children and social change this trifecta is not accidental.

Rockaz MVMT will always be known for signature musical experiences that rival commercial music shows that feature no philanthropic efforts, whereas Rockaz MVMT events are primarily a philanthropic exercise in the essence of music: Celebration and with Miami Playing For Change we all get the opportunity for one glorious Saturday to do something Together and make the World a really truly madly deeply beautiful place.

Join Rockaz MVMT and partners for a grassroots collective in the known universe that spends all day every day working, achieving and dreaming of Playing For Change not just once a year but everyday.than we know.

Rockaz MVMT, {pronounced Rockers Movement}, an infinite movement of people through music, arts, culture and technology is extremely proud to say we have MIAMI PLAYING FOR CHANGE on Saturday September 22 join us.


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